Portraits 2

It's amazing how my skill at this can seem to shift dramatically from one portrait to another, depending on my mood, mindset, motivation, environment, and time.

It's amazing how my skill at this can seem to shift dramatically from one portrait to another, depending on my mood, mindset, motivation, environment, and time.

Portraits 1

A start to a lot more. My goal for this year: become really good at drawing portraits.

A start to a lot more. My goal for this year: become really good at drawing portraits.


Meet Trousers, the young bunny whose trousers are a little too big for him. Trousers the concept character existed even before Trousers the Bunny. It's where his name came from! Check out more concept work here.

Meet Trousers, the young bunny whose trousers are a little too big for him. Trousers the concept character existed even before Trousers the Bunny. It's where his name came from! Check out more concept work here.

Dream Life

A dream life includes poodles, bunnies, and succulents.

A dream life includes poodles, bunnies, and succulents.

Poodle Doodles 3

These were actually process sketches to one of my UI Experiments, Poodle Switch. I wanted to create a poodle on-off button, using 2D shape layers in After Effects to create a 3D look. Who says poodles can't be part of UI Design?

These were actually process sketches to one of my UI Experiments, Poodle Switch. I wanted to create a poodle on-off button, using 2D shape layers in After Effects to create a 3D look. Who says poodles can't be part of UI Design?

Bits and Pieces

Sometimes a cute sketch happens on unexpected surfaces, but you can always cut and paste.

Sometimes a cute sketch happens on unexpected surfaces, but you can always cut and paste.

Poodle Doodles 2

There's always a new way to doodle a poodle. Who else can only pay attention during meetings if they're sketching?

There's always a new way to doodle a poodle. Who else can only pay attention during meetings if they're sketching?

For Alex

In memory of Alex, the Fuzzy Pants. 

In memory of Alex, the Fuzzy Pants. 

Check-Off Lists

Making check-off to-do lists is one of my favorite ways to keep in track of all of the little things I want to do. It's also a great way to organize brainstorming thoughts! This is from one of the many pages of concepting for a pitch for Marc Jacobs…

Making check-off to-do lists is one of my favorite ways to keep in track of all of the little things I want to do. It's also a great way to organize brainstorming thoughts! This is from one of the many pages of concepting for a pitch for Marc Jacobs Daisy, which unfortunately never got off the ground.

Hand-Drawn Type

I go through fazes where I'm all about delicate, hand-drawn typography.

I go through fazes where I'm all about delicate, hand-drawn typography.

Poodle Doodles

I was planning a special craft project for my family, as a Christmas present. I cut out poodles shapes from felt, and collected cotton balls, satin bows, jingle bells, glitter, and other scrapbooking like supplies, and we all made our own poodle Chr…

I was planning a special craft project for my family, as a Christmas present. I cut out poodles shapes from felt, and collected cotton balls, satin bows, jingle bells, glitter, and other scrapbooking like supplies, and we all made our own poodle Christmas sweaters. It was so much fun!

With Growth Comes Decay

One step forward and two steps back. I drew this to help give me hope about the future. A reminder that with any growth, there is also decay. But that decay will again lead to more growth, and overtime, we will evolve into something better.

One step forward and two steps back. I drew this to help give me hope about the future. A reminder that with any growth, there is also decay. But that decay will again lead to more growth, and overtime, we will evolve into something better.

I've Always Wanted to Draw Faces Well

But faces are one of the hardest things to get right. I tend to fall into the pattern of not drawing because I only want to draw well, and not being able to draw well because I am not drawing. When it comes to drawing, practice is the only thing tha…

But faces are one of the hardest things to get right. I tend to fall into the pattern of not drawing because I only want to draw well, and not being able to draw well because I am not drawing. When it comes to drawing, practice is the only thing that pays off.